Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Canon Camera Meade Telescope How Do I Take Pictures Of Planets/nebulae With A Telescope?

How do i take pictures of planets/nebulae with a telescope? - canon camera meade telescope

Meade ETX telescope, Canon EOS 20D


Geoff G said...

You can buy a T-adapter to connect the camera to the telescope. This is the easy part. The first problem is that the assembly and the drive on ETX is not absolutely be able to support and advance that much weight. You need to buy a much larger equatorial mount. You can get it probably a couple of pictures of the brightest planets, but also pictures of nebulas necessarily a much larger assembly for mounting the ETX is too weak to withstand that amount of weight, and n has no control monitoring is necessary. Also in the ETX f/13 or it is too slow for imaging fog ... Telescope is needed to do that quickly, means a lot of money. Astro is astronomy by far the most expensive and difficult part of this hobby.

Jack Newton, taken as a joke a few deep-sky images with an ETX has written, but does not mention that he during his 16-major "telescope, which made the cost was about 20 times what the ETX done!

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