Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dental Braces Before And After Do Dental Spacers Get Removed After Braces Are Put In?

Do Dental Spacers Get Removed After Braces Are Put In? - dental braces before and after

I had dental separator for almost 48 hours and are very painful. I can not eat because it hurts so much. He wanted to know if the dentist removes the tooth brackets before he / she brings the key?
Can anyone help please?


CAJA said...

When the orthodontist remove spacers May, gangs, move the teeth to correct the bite (in other words, your teeth are straight), I just changed my new keys today I took my place, we had a whole week, which actually does hurt, but if you Advil and eating soft foods that do not hurt so much .. It only hurts when you bite .. be with the support that the pain will be the same, but it's beginning to get used to .. I picked Advil and Motrin, and I'm good, I can not help but bite consumption of soft drinks and even ice cream, milk shakes .. do not worry what people say .. is very good .. it hurts, but you get used to using it .. not die at all!

K M said...

Yes spacers placed between the teeth, the orthodontist can make tapes of your next visit. It is a pain and a little painful. Your orthodontist will give you something like 'key relief (anesthetic gel) and if you do not go to the shop to use some AmbiSol (milk teeth). It's a little numbing gel. Who will help. By taking ibuprofen or Motrin.
I think braces are uncomfortable to start w / keys.
If they fall off of themselves, not to worry. That is, they have done their work and has enough space.

EMILYAND... said...

at times, but do not worry if you
Pain soon disappears and they become accustomed yourll. yourll a new pain in his key anyway.

paracetomal try:)

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