Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gold Flakes Souvenirs How To Turn Gold Leaf Flakes (like Those You Buy From EBay) Into Liquid (melt Them), & Then Harden Them?

How to turn Gold Leaf Flakes (like those you buy from eBay) into liquid (melt them), & then harden them? - gold flakes souvenirs

I wonder what it means for the average user "is in the form of equipment, in turn, 24 ct. Flakes of gold leaf (the kind you buy on eBay bottles and souvenir shops) in the procedure and then harden the liquid into the liquid solution. Perhaps the first flakes of heat in an oven, then quickly cool down?

Thanks for any help


kbhiltsl... said...

If you try to make the flakes of gold in gold with the hope of winning in the society, has not made the calculations. When buying bottled memories (including S & H) You pay a high price for the actual amount of gold you get. It would be much better than just buying a gold bullion 1 ounce or something in nature.

gurneywa... said...

No! The process is much more complicated.

It only takes one team to start the fusion of gold, when the temperature reached to 1065 degrees Celsius - (oven never be that temp.) Need a crucible, the flow of traffic and more, and a variety of "how to" do all come together.

Instead of cleaning the whole thing, why do not you try with polymer clay? The flakes can be incorporated into the clay (which is very versatile) may, in the oven for drying and sealed with a liquid polymer to prevent spalling are cooked.

I have made some beautiful jewelry from polymer clay, with or without gold leaf, which was sold at high prices!

Just my opinion:)

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